The Birds and the Bees Talk
Thursday 4 March, 5pm

As lockdown momentarily silenced the cities and stopped traffic, people started to notice nature in different ways. In this conversation with artists James Webb and Tonya McMullan, we explore how their works entangle with birds and bees respectively, thinking about what it means to be aware of, to communicate with, think through, negotiate and live alongside other species. As a prelude to The Normal exhibition, these participating artists’ works contribute to a discussion about the opportunities and challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Admission Free
Booking via Eventbrite
A recording of this event with closed captioning is now available on our Youtube channel.
Further Reading:
Abram, David, The Spell Of The Sensuous, 1996
Ackerman, Jennifer, Bird Way, 2020
Berger, John, Why Look at Animals?, 2009 [1980]
Ede, Piers Moore, Honey and Dust: Travels in Search of Sweetness, 2006
Howard, Brigit Strawbridge, Dancing with Bees, 2019
Odell, Jenny, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, 2019
Paull, Laline, The Bees, 2014
Rothenberg, David, Why Birds Sing, 2005
Seely, Thomas, Honeybee Democracy, 2010
Smyth, Richard, A Sweet, Wild Note: What We Hear When the Birds Sing, 2017
Smyth, Richard, An Indifference of Birds, 2020