Friday Tour | Owen Kelly
Friday 12 May, 12.30pm
Owen Kelly works at the University of Edinburgh Business School and the Edinburgh Futures Institute. His academic interest is in the relationships between philosophy and business. In this talk, he draws upon the work of Aristotle, Plato and the Byzantine Emperor Justinian to think about the relationship between debt and justice. As Aristotle was concerned that money can be acquired without any limits, we will start with Moyra Davey’s Copperheads (1990 – 2017) a work that brings us face-to-face with filthy coins. Moving on to Terra 0’s proposition to use new technologies to create a self-owing forest we will then discuss the monetization of data and why classical conceptions of justice excluded non-reasoning agents. This will connect to Hanna von Goeler’s work and the question of whether we can plausibly think about nature as a creditor. Finally, with Lubaina Himid’s Naming the Money, we will reflect on that way some societies have tried to justify slavery and ask how our debt to those who lost everything – as wealthy countries prospered – could ever be calculated.